This is my amateur radio page. You'll find all kinds of information about me and about the hobby.

A Bit Of History

I've always liked listening to the radio. There's something special about tuning around the frequencies and finding new things to listen to. I've had various radios in my time but nothing that would pick up ham radio operators.
That changed in 2014 when I bought a second-hand Sony ICF-2001D for £5 while on a trip to Ramsgate. Despite missing the battery cover it works perfectly and I was soon hooked on my new hobby of Shortwave Listening (SWL).
Since then I've bought a couple of scanners too so that I can listen to most things on the air.
On 19th March 2015 I took and passed my amateur radio Foundation Licence and recieved my callsign M6IKI on 26th March.

My Station


UHF & VHF - Baofeng GT-3 with a Discone antenna.
HF - Alinco DX-70, Alinco EDX-2 ATU with an end fed aerial (approx 40m).


Sony ICF-2001D
Tecsun PL-660
Uniden UBC3500XLT
Realistic Pro-2006