Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Stately Alien

Look what I spotted in the grounds of Ragley Hall.
I think that maybe Gerry Anderson left this here at some stage in his career. I didn't see anyone dressed in silver jumpsuits, they might be drinking tea in the green room.
Mind you, the pheasants seemed quite spooked so maybe our bacofoil heroes weren't too far away.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tripped Out

I've had a really weird day.
I've had a 24h bout of flu. I didn't think it could only last for such a short amount of time. Hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow. Earlier I felt like someone had slipped me a pill. It was all so strange.
Anyway, off to bed now. Hopefully all will be well in the morning.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Playstation Home
Playstation Home
Originally uploaded by MikiStrange
From Friday this is where I'll be spending most of my free time.
At last Playstation Home will be available to download from tomorrow.
See you there.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
All's Fair At Derby

This is where My Cat and I were today. It's Derby university.
We went there to look at the antiques and buy some too. My Cat got some bits and bobs but I got nothing.
Then we went to Alfreton and My Cat got some more stuff and I got nothing.
Next we went to Ikea to get some little trees to hang jewellery on but we didn't get them. Instead My Cat had pumpkin thingy and I had meatballs, chips and peas with special gravy. It was lovely.
Then we ran off down the M1 to watch X Factor and eat chocolate.
That was a good Sunday. More like that please.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Cold Days

All the leaves have fallen off the trees because the council have turned the thermostat down.
In the economic downturn everyone has to cut corners here and there. I'm going to knit a jumper for the tree so that it doesn't get too chilly. Also, someone, probably the farmer, has left the tree outside in the rain and its skin has gone wrinkly. Time to rub it down with some butter or something.
There's also a Robin in the tree that has been discarded from a xmas card obviously to save money. Litter louts are everywhere these days.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
We're Sort Of Lovin' It

After driving around for an hour looking for nonexistant car boots my cat and I settled for coffee in McDonalds.
We also had to try a sausage and egg McMuffin which is a proper muffin and not a cake. We might have to explore the menu further in the interests of keeping up with youth culture.
Sounds plausible enough to me.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
This is a test.
I was wondering if I cold post documents straight from Google Docs to my blog so this is a test to find out if it works.
If it does then I should imagine you'll be seeing all kinds of stuff similarly posted.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Not Many Left

It's nice to be able to enjoy the view on my lunch break.
I'm making the most of it. I imagine the rabbits and badgers are too. You can hear them singing B52's songs as you drive along.
The badgers are particularly good at Rock Lobster, the rabbits seem to favour Summer Of Love.
All of life is normal again.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I Love Linux
There are a few things to sort out and in time I'll learn to sort them out but for now it's all going to plan.
The OS recognizes my external hard drive and my USB floppy drive so transferring files between my word processor and the web and back just works.
Get yourself a PS3 and a copy of YDL6.
You won't regret it.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Even my one armed cactus got his trumpet out to herald the arrival of the 'Purple Peril'.
I tried to take a picture of my new car but it was dark by the time I got her home. I'll take a picture in the morning.
Unfortunately I can't afford to keep my Transit on the road for another year. It's a sad time. We've been buddies for almost two years. I'll miss the big fella when it's time to part.
Mrs new car says she'll look after me. We'll keep a picture of the big red one with us as we travel around. We're keeping the same Ford badge so there will be a bond.
Here's to the future.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Two Down
Another exam bites the dust.
I managed to sail through it with a 99/100 score. The pass mark was 85.
I don't know why I didn't get full marks as they don't tell you the question you got wrong.
Just the practical exam to get through now.
I'll hopefully have some more good news to post here tomorrow. Watch this space.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Here's Paddy
I said I'd get him on my blog so here he is.
Paddy does work very hard and soon he'll be able to put his feet up and watch himself working very hard.
Long Walk Home Stream
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Long Walk Home
As usual it's under my songwriting name of AmpUT. There's not much more to say here but whether you like or loath the track it'd be nice if you left a comment.
Feedback is always good.
Find it here.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Certainly not the best picture of Max to date but still worthwhile as he's managed to get me to the pub.
It's like he's programmed to do it. How good is that.
While I'm here I might as well mention the typo's in the last two posts. It's all down to predictive text and me not bothering to check.
It's either laziness or beer or both.
Tut tut.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Hair Raising
This is Fluffy the caterpillar. He's very camera shy.
He wouldn't do much for my blog photo but as soon as I put him on a dandelion he ripped off the fur coat to reveal a bare chest and stockings and surrenders.
He then started to sing show tunes at which point I ran off.
He might be good looking but he's got a terrible voice.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Amazing Sundad
This is 'Joan As Police Woman' midway through her set.
I spoke to her afterwards and got her autograph. She was very kind and took time to speak to me, which on top of an incredible set that hit a nerve inside me made an ordinary day into an experience I shall never forget.
Some days you just get lucky, others you make your own luck.
Today was a mix of both.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
More Pinboard
On the board today is a painting of the countyside in all it's glory. Enjoy it before it turns into a future slum eco-town.
A receipt for our old boiler tank for £40.
A reminder to collect cash for some more sold DJ gear.
I think I might celebrate with a small beer tonight. It does sound like a good idea doesn't it.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Fingers Crossed
Under his little plastic bag greenhouse is the son of Wordsworth. It's my first cutting.
He was still heading for the window this morning so that's a good sign. If he makes it through the transition he'll move to my new mint garden which you can see next to him.
I think I'll call him Shelley.
Good luck Shelley!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Out Of The Box
So here is the big reveal. This is Mr Max Bygone.
It's taken me three and a bit hours to get him assembled but all that sweating in unusually hot summer temperatures was well worth it.
The only thing missing is the dynamo lights but my LED lights are much brighter and won't act as a break when they're on.
It's way too hot to go out now but I am planning a short trip out later.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Who's In The Box?
My new friend is hiding in the box underneath the big red rabbit.
You'll have to wait until Saturday to find out who he is. Here's his name in hangman form. You can try to guess if you like. If you don't like then please make some butties and send them to me while I read the instructions.
M-- B-----
Good luck.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Originally uploaded by MikiStrange
I wasn't here today but this is a good photo of Edgehill.
Edward Woodward lives round here somewhere.
Get yourself up here and enjoy the view.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Do Look Back
MikiStrange's Old Look
Originally uploaded by MikiStrange
Sometimes it's worth going back. In my case this is how I've looked for the past twelve years and there's nothing wrong with that.
Recently I let my hair grow long and even though I need my glasses they're the wrong style so I must get some that don't make me look so damn old.
So here we are, back to the old look and I'm losing some weight to boot. Can't be bad.