Sunday, July 26, 2009
This Weekends Haul
It's been a good weekend.
I've got a couple of good books, a xylaphone thing, a signaling mirror, a shoebox tape recorder and a fantastic typewriter. Everything works too.
I've yet to date the typewriter but it's reasonably old and in decent condition.
Time to relax now with My Cat and some wine.
Sundays just keep getting better.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Lazy Bones
I'm being honest about being slack.
Sent via VR+
Friday, July 24, 2009
Dirty Day
My first proper iPhone blog.
I thought I might be able to give you a nicer view but it's a miserable day. Never mind, at least my iPhone is set up now.
After an equally miserable week at work I think I might just see what Bargain Booze has to offer.
Me thinks that's a good idea.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Give Me Strength!

I've just got an email from Foes Reunited.
They've got a new groups feature and asked me if I'd like to join one or more of said groups. There were lots of inane groups such as Top Table (WTF?) and Star Trek. But top of their list was Over Forties.
...Dear FU. FU!
What about a group about Fire Starting or Decapitation or C#*k or anything other than your lame choices. Next thing I know you'll be inviting me on a cruise around the med.
I'm only signed up to stop other people claiming to be me.
Now leave me alone.
... and rightly f#%*ing so.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wednesday Night

It's nice to be here and relaxing.
Work has been rubbish all week and O2 data has been out for a couple of days so no blogging.
Once I'm all switched over I'll be blogging from a new iPhone. Might have finished migration by Saturday.
It'll be a mixed emotion day. I love my setup now but I must move on.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
What's New?

Microchip technology is new.
That means this 1956 Olympia typewriter is old. There are no microchips inside, there's no Intel inside either.
Todays task was to print out a few business cards for My Cat. I did some for myself while I was at it.
Can you believe a 53 year old machine still works as well as the day it came out of the factory. I can because it's reliable West German craftsmanship.
I wonder will I be as reliable in another 13 years.
I somehow doubt it.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our green and pleasant land.
Well not if you're Gary McKinnon. His England has a potential American judicial system endorsed by the Houses of Parlimemt. His crime? Embarrassing American security people.
Just goes to show that the world is not enough. Someone is ready to plant a flag in cyberspace too.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Steer Clear

Don't shop at BP.
The stores are such a rip off. The want 69p for a pint of milk that costs 45p everywhere else. If it were a small independent retailer I wouldn't mind but they're not. I also don't care if they try to wash their hands of any kind of price setting because of the shop franchises. All I know is when I see their sign I know to keep driving. Other filling stations are no better.
My advice is think ahead. There is nothing convenient about their stores.
Friday, July 03, 2009
Hut 4

Good morning from hut 4.
This is Bletchley Park's cafe and a good place to cure a slight hangover from last nights lecture and dinner. I'm starting with coffee and cigarettes but the cake looks a bit good too.
It's the Station X meeting to start the day and then another look around.
I really can't get enough of this place.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
No Beer

More than a month without alcohol passing my lips or the window.
It feels good. No hangovers, I've lost weight, and I haven't been tempted to eat junk food at eleven thirty at night.
Well I might just end that tomorrow with my big day out. I've left the option open. I think I'd like to have a drink, this weather is more than an excuse for a thirst quencher but practicalities might mean I don't get the opportunity.
Let's just wait and see.
He's Alive!

After a year of seemingly no action it appears Mickey Mouse cactus is alive and well.
I spotted this new growth this morning, there's another one too. They could well be more ears or maybe flowers. Time will tell. I'll keep you informed.
Much of my day is being spent getting ready for my visit to Bletchley tomorrow. Expect a blog and Twitter fest as never before.
It's gonna be good.
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