Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stupidity Pays

Sometimes I'm quite stupid.
Take for example the other day. I got my scanner out of the loft and plugged it in. Nothing. Dead as a dodo.
This lead me to buy an all in one printer, scanner and copier. It's the one in the picture above. Anyway, as I was unplugging the old scanner tonight I noticed that I hadn't flicked the on switch on the extension lead. See what I mean by stupid.
Actually this moment of clarity didn't phase me. You see, the new box of tricks was £40 instead of £100. It's also wireless which means I can print from any device that's connected to the web from anywhere in the world. It also prints right up to the edge unlike my old printer and the photo quality printing is as good as the maker claims so I'm happy.
I'm also happy because I can scan and print my cartoons from one box without having to faff about with USB leads. I'm extra happy because it takes up very little space on the coffee table which means I can actually fit a cup of coffee on there.
There's also room for booze so I'm delirious.

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